Cynthia's Letters

A K.I.S.S. from God (2)

In my letter to you last month, we saw that our essence (our inherent, unchanging nature) is that of a relational being. This is due to our Creator’s first and foremost intent to make us for the purpose of having…
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A K.I.S.S from God (1)

Who are you? What is your essence? You are the creation of a relational God, who has designed your main essence and purpose to be relational: in relationship with God and with others. This is a fact that cannot be…
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Upward in Messiah Jesus

“We have heard with our ears, our fathers have told us the work that You did in their days, in the days of old. 2. You with Your own hand drove out the nations; then You planted them; You afflicted…
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Your Life is a Diamond

What burdens or heaviness are you carrying, dear ones of the LORD? Each and every individual has a load that they carry, but it is in how we carry these burdens that determines our joy in life. Your life is…
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Taste and See that the LORD is Good!

Taste and see that the LORD is good! (Psalms 34:8) Have you tasted? Have you walked in Jesus today to experience life in its depth and breadth? Yeshua is calling us to “taste” and “see” today. He is calling us…
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Unity in Messiah Jesus

What a delight to share with you this good report from the Discovering The Jewish Jesus team! We are witnessing the LORD and His Word running swiftly with Power and Effect to the utter ends of the earth (Acts 1:8)!…
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Ashes into Beauty

Beloved Saints of our Father God: keep pressing into Yeshua, Jesus! You are making a difference. Do not let the false witnesses and false reports of the enemy tell you that you just keep failing and that you are not…
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Seek the Things Above

I am excited to have a new part in the DJJ Newsletters! Beloved Partners, I am behind the scenes praying for you and supporting my husband with ALL that is within me! My heart is for Yeshua’s Glory to shine…
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Chandra, Kentucky