Prayer Ministry

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Prayer Ministry - Rabbi SchneiderRabbi K.A. Schneider’s prayer team consists of volunteers from the congregation that Rabbi Schneider leads. These prayer intercessors are operating under his authority, and have been personally discipled by him; sitting under his teachings for several years. They have been anointed by the Lord for prayer and intercession.

The prayer team walks in Rabbi’s authority as they pray over all of your prayer needs that are mailed in (or emailed) to the offices of Discovering The Jewish Jesus. Rabbi Schneider’s team intercedes on your behalf every Monday evening at the Discovering The Jewish Jesus offices.

Each and every one of your prayer needs are read and immersed in intercessory prayer. We thank you for sending in your requests. We also look forward to hearing your praise reports regarding the many miraculous signs and wonders that the Lord is performing through the ministry and our prayer team. God Bless You and Thank You!

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