We are pleased to announce that Discovering the Jewish Jesus has formed a new partnership with FreeWill, to make it as simple as possible for you to create your legacy.

FreeWill is an estate planning organization that provides free tools that expertly guide you through the process of creating a will. It is straightforward, easy to follow, and assists those that want to honor God at their passing.

Watch this video to learn more, then click the button below to start your FREE will today.

Beloved, your decision will have a great and eternal impact in reaching Israel and the World for Messiah Jesus.

Many of us have honored God with our finances while living, but have we considered how to honor the Lord with our finances when we pass?

If Discovering The Jewish Jesus has strengthened your walk with Messiah Jesus and you have witnessed the fruit of our labors, would you pray about honoring the Lord with your finances at your passing – by using the FREE service FreeWill to include us in your will or trust.

Already have a will?

If you have already designated Discovering the Jewish Jesus in a will or estate gift to honor God, will you fill out this form to let us know?

Make a designation

If you’re interested in designating Discovering The Jewish Jesus as a beneficiary of an asset, our easy-to-use program will help guide you through the process!

Other Ways to Give

Donor-Advised Fund

Making a contribution from your Donor-Advised Fund (DAF) just got a whole lot easier. Our tool integrates with most major donor-advised fund sponsors, saving you time while streamlining the grant request process.

Stocks or other securities

When you donate securities, you make an outsized impact without taking money directly out of your bank account. Plus, neither you nor Discovering The Jewish Jesus will be taxed on the gains for appreciated assets you donate.

Individual Retirement Account (IRA)

A Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) is a tax-efficient way for those 70 ½ or older to donate from their IRA, while also counting towards your annual Required Minimum Distribution.


When you donate cryptocurrency, you make an outsized impact without ever selling the crypto yourself. That means neither you nor Discovering The Jewish Jesus will be taxed on the gains for appreciated assets you donate.

Because of your love, we will be able to continue to reach millions of broken people across the earth who need the Lord’s help. With your gift, the evangelization and discipling of nations is taking place.


  • Broadcasting of Discovering The Jewish Jesus to nearly 200 Nations, including 97% of the TV homes in Israel.
  • Boldly proclaiming His Gospel: Straightforward, Uncompromised, and Authentic, around the world
  • Utilizing cutting-edge online technologies and platforms that literally reach millions of people each year.

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