Cynthia's Letters

A Matter of the Heart

While many people struggle with compulsively looking at their cell phone for entertainment and the latest social media posts and communication, I have never thought of myself as addicted to my phone. Rabbi would warn me to be careful not…
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Don’t Stop!

Have you ever felt like you were spinning your wheels, striving to live and move in the LORD, yet finding you are doing the same things and getting the same results—never good enough nor perfect enough? The LORD says, “Don’t…
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Heart and Soul Correction

The natural inclination of the heart is to think that we are the center of the universe, and that the world revolves around ourselves. Truly this defines the root of all sins. Even for those of us who seek to…
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No More Business As Usual

Recently the Holy Spirit apprehended me with the words, “No More Business As Usual.” When the Holy Spirit speaks, His message delivers resolute truth to the soul, which cannot be disputed. I knew that with these words the LORD was…
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Celebrate Passover, Celebrate Victory

Lift up your weary heads—it’s time to celebrate! Though our world shouts panic, chaos, and doom, the LORD speaks, “Celebrate the Passover (I Cor. 5:7,8)! In Passover, the full extent of My love is revealed, and I have sealed your…
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Commune With The One Who is Trustworthy

The One I trust, He says, “Look into My eyes and come into Me.” He says, “Come into Me, and I will come into you. Bring all of your sin, your failures, your mistakes, and your darkened heart and mind….
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Chosen To Follow

“For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast. Ephesians 2:8-9” We experience faith in the LORD…
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Daily Prayer for the Year of 2019

Grace and Peace to you from Father and Messiah Jesus in this New Year! And may the Wisdom, Knowledge and Revelation of our Beloved Bridegroom truly be your daily bread that feeds you and sustains you through all the winds…
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I Choose Life

Throughout every day we are continually making choices. Reaching our 50’s and now 60’s, Rabbi and I have become acutely aware of how our choices of today critically impact our experiences of tomorrow. Choices to repeatedly sit out in the…
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It’s a New Day! (Re-Parented By God, Part II)

EVERY day is a new day created by God, with new ways and opportunities to rise up and overcome darkness. Last month we looked at John 3:3-8 and discovered how God grants the opportunity to begin life anew in Him…
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I am so happy that I have found Jesus again!
Delores, Georgia