Cynthia's Letters

Celebrate Passover Celebrate Victory!

Lift up your weary heads—it’s time to celebrate! Though our world shouts panic, chaos, and doom, the LORD speaks, “Celebrate the Passover (I Cor. 5:7,8)! In Passover the full extent of My love is revealed, and I have sealed your…
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Joy and Hope in a Hopeless Land

We reside in the world where Satan resides. Jesus said, “I know where you live – where Satan has his throne” (Revelation 2:13). The spirit of darkness acts like a gravity that tries to pull us downward. Our enemy is…
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The Power of Blessing

I cried out to the LORD, “What about Your people? How are we to survive and persevere through the intensity of the End Times?!” It seems as though another level of evil has been released upon the earth, and pain…
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Into A Strange & Foreign Land

I urge you to see yourself for who you are: Father’s beloved child, saved from spiritual ignorance and alienation from God your Creator, through the Blood of His Son. Father has called you out of darkness, filled you with Himself,…
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Africa and the Nations: Why Go and Are You Really Making a Difference?!

I have been asked, “Why are you and Rabbi spending so much time, money and effort on going to Africa and the nations to preach and evangelize? Isn’t poverty the greatest problem? How are you really helping them?” This is…
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Living In and Experiencing True Beauty

Throughout Scriptures we read of certain women described as “beautiful,” which resulted in them being desired by men (eg. Sarah, Rebecca, and Esther). We, as women, can be left thinking thoughts of not being beautiful enough to be desired, and…
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What Is This Longing In My Heart? What Do I Need?

Have you ever sensed an unsettled feeling inside that is like a deep hole or craving that must be filled? Have you ever wondered what it was you were yearning for? Our Creator created us with these deep yearnings for…
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LOVE WELL – A Revelation, Part III

Releasing God’s Love Looking to Father God for fresh vision as we approached 2016 I strongly sensed Him saying to me, “Love Well.” Loving involves both knowing someone, and being known. In Part I, I highlighted the need to be…
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Love Well – A Revelation Part II

Loving The Body of Messiah In my last letter, I wrote of the Holy Spirit’s call for us, as Yeshua’s Bride, to “Love Well.” I pray that the Holy Spirit brings you deep revelation of this spirit-filled Word. Firstly, and…
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Love Well – A Revelation Part 1

As I looked to the Holy Spirit to breathe upon me what His new heart and vision for 2016 was, He spoke these words to me, “LOVE WELL.” Wow! I could only drink in these words from His Spirit, for…
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