Seek the Things Above

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I am excited to have a new part in the DJJ Newsletters! Beloved Partners, I am behind the scenes praying for you and supporting my husband with ALL that is within me! My heart is for Yeshua’s Glory to shine to all the world through this ministry, my husband, and each of you! The Spirit of Jesus within us TRULY is the super (above the) natural Hope that every human being is needy for.

In this new section of the newsletter, I hope to impart golden nuggets of God’s Truth that, by the vehicle of His Spirit, will equip you to see the world that surrounds you from God’s viewpoint.

Rabbi and I, as many of you, lead a very busy lifestyle. As I seek the things above, I find I also have to deal with the things below! Wow! What a challenge!! As we travel from place to place I am continually seeking to stay in God’s peace and yet also complete all of the mundane tasks of keeping our home clean and organized, making meals, doing laundry, and handling the details of the ministry with its deadlines and responsibilities. After warfaring to get to the airport or to get into my car for travel to the next ministry engagement, I am exhausted, overwhelmed and fearful that I have forgotten an important detail. I feel far from perfect in my ability to make everything “perfect”!

As I settle into my car, or into the airplane, relinquishing all of my failures and inadequacies to Yeshua, and calling on HIS adequacy and perfection to cover my life, then the miracle begins to occur! Jesus washes away my inadequacies and the Holy Spirit begins to fill my heart and mind with His Hope and His Vision of my life. As I ascend up in the plane, I get a new vision and a new perspective. I look down from the plane and find that all of the hustle and bustle below, with its traffic jams and stress, starts fading away. My vision changes and I see a beauty of organized, symmetrical streets, green pastures, mountains, and turquoise lakes and rivers. Everything is flowing with an order and a beauty beyond ourselves. Above the clouds, I find that the sun is always shining. The Holy Spirit speaks, “Beyond yourself with inadequacies and failures, and the mundane that you wrestle with, I am shining and transforming even your darkness into my Light and Divine plans for your life. The Blood of Jesus is sufficient for your inadequacies and I promise to complete the good work that I have begun in your life.”

“Fix your eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is Eternal.” (2 Corinthians 4:18)

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