What is Your Name?

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But now thus says the Lord, He who created you, O Jacob, He who formed you, O Israel: “Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine. Isaiah 43:1

One time when I was watching a wonderful woman of God ministering on YouTube, I found myself subconsciously thinking, “Wow, I am not impacting the world for Christ in ways that this woman is. I said, ‘LORD, am I not doing enough for you and your Kingdom? What’s the matter with me, that I am not doing the things that this woman is doing?’” Immediately the Holy Spirit firmly, but lovingly, spoke, “WHAT IS YOUR NAME??” As I responded back, “Cynthia Schneider,” I felt the beauty of being created and birthed into my unique family and situations. I felt the beauty of how He redeemed me and has been transforming me, so that I know who He created me to be. I said, “Oh LORD, I am perfectly Cynthia Schneider, and I am right on time accomplishing everything that YOU have called for my life. I am impacting those You have called me to impact for You and Your Kingdom, as You have led me.”

Loved one, you are perfectly you, and no one else embodies the uniqueness and beauty that you do. You are called at this specific time and for a unique purpose. In the beautiful tapestry of God’s eternal life, your story and your purpose are just as important as that of any other child of our Father God. 

So right now, hear the LORD asking you, “What is your name??” Respond from your heart, “There has never been and there will never be another (Fill in Your Full Name). I am created special and unique for You, O Maker and Redeemer, for such a time as this. I receive Your love and light, Yeshua. I love You. Today I uniquely shine Your love and hope to others in each opportunity that You present to me.”

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