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See that no one deceives you with empty words, for because of these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience … For this reason it says, “Awake, sleeper, And arise from the dead, And Christ will shine on you.” Ephesians 5:6, 14

Whenever I clearly remember my dream, I take note of it by quickly writing it down, lifting it to the LORD for His revelation on its significance, and asking what action He would want me to take. In a recent dream I experienced the heavy emotions and feelings of two young women. Each one had a boyfriend from the past who, through spirits of lust and control, were enticing the women to open their hearts into allowing them back again. Through deceptive spirits these men appeared to give deep, fulfilling, faithful love, affirmation, and promises for experiencing sexual pleasures. The women were mesmerized and emotionally swayed by their previous boyfriends. In truth, these boyfriends were totally incapable of delivering such satisfaction because they themselves were broken and driven by sin and deceptive spirits.

How often the enemy sways us into making destructive (stupid!) decisions through his deceptive thoughts and images that sway our emotions and flesh-driven urges. It may be people that we repeatedly allow into our lives who do not spur us on in the ways of God and who can influence us to pursue fruitless activities, wasting our precious time. Ask Yeshua, Jesus, to reveal to you the deceptive thoughts and images that sway your emotions, feelings and decisions away from Him. Let’s stop destructive cycles by apprehending ourselves and standing strong to choose Father God’s ways. Beloved, precious Bride of Yeshua, the LORD is speaking, “Wake up and stand strong!” and then you will be happy.

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