Transformative Beauty

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Our mind-blowing, infinite Yahweh God is living, active, and constantly in motion! When we receive Jesus, and all that He has done for us, we receive a living, active, transforming life force. Even when we are unaware of it, the LORD’s Spirit within us is continually in motion toward His lofty goals for our lives. He works to change who we are and the impact we make to Himself, others, and our world.

Recently the LORD gave me a vision of Jesus on the cross, with a spiritual banner across Him that said, “Transformative Beauty.” His burning message was that Yeshua’s hard, challenging work on the cross was an incredibly beautiful work that created for us a door to the Father and infinite glory. And likewise, as you and I pick up our cross to follow Jesus, while clinging and praying to the Father, our acts of obedience bring forth a “Transformative Beauty.” The LORD is beckoning us to shift our paradigm so that we engage in our battles differently. As we face every opposition and challenge that naturally invokes fear, anxiety, panic, or anger within, we must look to the LORD in earnest prayer and see this as a beautiful work of transforming us, our relationship with the Father, and even transforming others and the world around us. 

Beloved of the Father, God sees every day with you as beauty in motion. Gain strength and courage as you see each battle as “Transformative Beauty” being worked out by the power of the Holy Spirit that resides within you and goes before you. 

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