The Story of Hanukkah

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The Hebrew word Hanukkah literally means dedication. This is why the apostle John referred to this holy season as the “Feast of Dedication” in John 10:22 (by the way, this is the only place Hanukkah is mentioned in the whole Bible). This Holiday, also referred to as The Festival of Lights commemorates the rededication of the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem to the Lord. We also find that Yeshua taught in the Temple during this Feast. John 10:22–38

The history of Hanukkah can be traced back to 168 BC, when the Greco-Assyrians, under the leadership of Antiochus IV, invaded and captured Jerusalem. They attempted to destroy the culture and religion of the Jewish people and desecrated the Temple of the Lord.

 It was during this time, that a group of Greco-Assyrian soldiers marched into a Jewish settlement and demanded that the Priest there, Mattathias, sacrifice a pig to their pagan god, Zeus. But Mattathias feared the Lord more than this enemy—he refused to sacrifice the pig. A fellow Jewish onlooker, afraid of the Greco-Assyrians’ wrath, volunteered to sacrifice the pig. In response, Mattathias drew his sword and killed him.

This act of conviction and courage by Mattathias became such an inspiration to the rest of the Jewish people that they formed an army and rebelled against the Greco-Assyrian oppression. Under the leadership of Mattathias’ son, Judah, they successfully stopped the Greco-Assyrians from overtaking their settlement and eventually drove them out of Jerusalem. This victory led the way to the rededication of the Temple in Jerusalem and the inauguration of the Feast of Dedication/Hanukkah in 164 BC.

As one of the Priests prepared to light the Menorah (the lampstand inside of the Temple) during the Temple rededication ceremony, he realized that there was only enough Holy oil to burn for one day. However, according to tradition, the oil burned supernaturally for eight days! 

This is why Hanukkah lasts for eight days and why the Hanukkah Menorah has eight candles. (There is an additional ninth “Servant” candle on the Hanukkah Menorah that is used to light these eight candles.)

Beloved, I would like to invite you to be part of this joyous and miraculous season of Hanukkah. I have recorded a special video for each night of the Feast of Dedication where I light one of the Menorah candles and share a special word. I think it would also be wonderful for you to light your candle with me.

Love & Shalom,

Feasts of Israel

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