The Mystery of Dreams

This book will help you understand how God speaks to you through your dreams so that you can receive direction, encouragement, and revelation. Scripture confirms that one of the primary ways God speaks to His people is through dreams. In this remarkable book, Rabbi Schneider teaches through personal dreams from his own life and Biblical examples, how the Lord is still speaking to His people through their dreams – today.

Rabbi Schneider demonstrates how we can do the following:

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What People Are Saying

“I am very grateful for your book Mystery of Dreams. It is a helpful tool for my spiritual growth.” – Estella, Germany
“Thank you, Rabbi Schneider, for the book The Mystery of Dreams. Ever since reading it, I have paid attention to the dreams I remember on waking. I have been writing down the ones that I know are from God, and asking Him to reveal to me what He is telling me. He has been enlightening me about many things through them. Some of them were things that I didn’t know I needed to understand. Thank you again, for being faithful to do what God has given you to do.” – Luther

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