The Lion of Judah Book By Rabbi Kirt Schneider
Rabbi Schneider

The Lion of Judah

How Jesus Completes Biblical Judaism and Why Judaism and Christianity Separated

Jesus was born a Jew, lived as a Jew, died as a Jew, and was originally followed by Jews. Yet somehow, Christianity and Judaism are divided. Unearth the history behind this great separation in Rabbi Kirt Schneider’s groundbreaking new book.

Rabbi tells the story of how two religions who worship the same God came to walk very different paths. But He declares a bold truth—They were never meant to be separate.

Learn how Judaism and Christianity will one day unite together under one banner, Messiah Yeshua. Discover how the Old and New Testaments Connect and how Jesus completes Biblical Judaism.

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What People are Saying

“I just completed reading your book, ‘The Lion of Judah. This book gave me tremendous insight as to the relationship of Christianity and it’s Jewish roots. I am a pastor and have several degrees. Yet, this book gave me great insight and illumination. It has impacted me more than any other book I have read save the Bible.” Pastor Doyle, Nebraska


“This incredible book by Rabbi Schneider is needed in the body of Christ.” Michelle, Facebook

“The Lion of Judah is the most informative and interesting book I have ever read. All I can say is it is fabulous, every Jewish and non-Jewish person should read it.” Barry, Pennsylvania


“I really recommend this book, it’s awesome for both Jew and Gentile” Becky, Facebook

“I have read it and now going back a second time. Love it!!” Zanette, Facebook

“The Lion of Judah is truly an excellent book! I just started reading it and can’t put it down!”
Minister Jamal, Florida


“Already read it! A great book! I’m sharing with others.” Kelly, Facebook

“I must say it is a great book!!!! Please get it!!!! God bless our Rabbi!!!!” Pastor Antonette, Facebook


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