“Thank You Father”

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The final fall Feast is called in Hebrew – Sukkot (booths) and referred to in English -The Feast of Tabernacles. This Holy season is a joyous and happy time of celebration to honor and give thanks to God for all of His provisions. 

Throughout this feast, many Jewish families build a temporary structure called a sukkah. It is made entirely of natural materials like wood or grass and decorated with tree branches, leaves, flowers, vegetables, and fruit. Many people in Israel will eat their meals and sleep in the sukkah for the entire seven days of the Feast. 

During their time in the sukkah, Jewish people reflect upon how their forefathers had nothing in the wilderness – there were no food or clothing stores or GPS devices. But the LORD supernaturally fed them with manna, gave them water out of a rock, guided them continually and even caused their clothes and shoes to last for forty years. They only had God, yet He was enough! This is a beautiful example of how we should live our lives today.

In the midst of Sukkot, I want to encourage you to consider every good and precious thing you have in your life and tell Him, “Thank You, Father.” Likewise, I want you to not focus on what you might not have but to be overjoyed with what you do have. Remember, if you have God, you have everything you will ever need.

But it can be easy to lose focus. Because you know what? We are in an all-out war here, and the powers of darkness are intent on distracting and defeating us. We are bombarded with messages that promise happiness if we only do this or buy that. Beloved, it is all a lie! 

Because we are in a battle, it is easy to become negative, discouraged, and vulnerable. But God is calling us to swim upriver and against the challenges of life that would cause us to get down.

Beloved, this is also the time of year that ancient Israel brought Father God a special offering for The Feast of Tabernacles (Leviticus 23:36, Deuteronomy 16:15-17).

Take a moment to pray and reflect on how much He has taken care of you and how He is always there for you. Then respond to Father’s love by giving unto Him a special offering during this Holy Season.

Love & Shalom,

Feasts of Israel

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