Leigh, Michigan

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“I have been a member of Lion of Judah World Outreach for going on 6 years now. In that time, under Rabbi’s guidance, I have fully received Jesus as my Lord and my Messiah. I have come to know Abba Father, and feel the Holy Spirit alive in me. I live to seek God in a way that I never before knew possible. My entire life has changed under this ministry. 5 years ago, I was delivered of multiple demons by Rabbi, in one night, without me asking. I was not only freed of the spirit of alcoholism, but from the demons that caused this destructive force within me. Forces including trauma from combat and police work, guilt over family issues, broken marriages and depression. After my deliverance, it felt like an anchor was taken from around my neck. Where before I was suicidal, I now have life! When I lived to satisfy only temporary lusts, I now know real love. Where there was darkness, there is now the light of Jesus. Despite years of detox, alcohol and PTSD VA programs, all of which I did not respond to, in one night, 5 years ago, I was freed of such issues. I haven’t drank since. I attend full time college, and my life has completely changed course. This is all thanks to Jesus. I would not have ever come to Jesus, as I did, without Rabbi Schneider. I truly wake up every morning and thank Jesus for leading me to Rabbi’s ministry. I found Rabbi through his television show. I can tell you there is power in Rabbi’s ministry. I am living proof.”

Leigh, Michigan

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