St. Marc, Haiti

This past February, Rabbi Schneider was invited by Terry Snow to partner with YWAM Haiti in a week long Evangelistic Gathering. News of what God did there reached globally. There were over 5,000 people packed into the arena each night and an estimated 500,000 who heard the crusade through the radio and TV.

The Mayor Jean Rony Eugene, and other government leaders opened the city to the presence of God, and asked Rabbi to pray a blessing over the Mayor’s office as well as the City Hall. Mayor Eugene was also publicly anointed with oil and blessed by Rabbi Schneider.

Some of the most dramatic testimonies, from February’s outreach, included impaired vision being restored, lumps disappearing, and the lame being healed. Many others were mentally, emotionally and spiritually restored.

It is difficult to know exactly how many accepted Christ throughout this crusade. The people there were so hungry to receive a touch from God, that every time we gave an invitation for salvation - every hand seemed to be raised!

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