Soroti, Uganda

The Soroti, Uganda crusade was POWERFUL and BEAUTIFUL, below are highlights of what God did:
-Rabbi ministered to over 2,000 Pastors who were hungry for the Lord.
-Rabbi met with, and preached to, the political and military leaders from the district.
-As each day of the crusade progressed, there were great moves of God that were witnessed by the thousands that attended.
-As Rabbi preached on the Song of Songs, there was a divine exchange of the bride’s heart for the Bridegroom’s heart.
-Rabbi was anointed by the Spirit of God, as was confirmed by signs and wonders.
-A young boy who had pain and difficulty walking and needed a crutch, threw it down and was able to walk and jump on the stage.
Over 900 new believers were baptized in water and attended follow up discipleship training classes after the crusade ended

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