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“So you are to be holy to Me, for I the LORD am holy; and I have singled you out from the peoples to be Mine.” Leviticus 20:26

“But like the Holy One who called you, be holy yourselves also in all your behavior” (1 Peter 1:15).

“For I am the LORD your God. Consecrate yourselves therefore, and be holy, because I am holy” (Leviticus 11:44).

To be holy means to be set-apart, to be unique, and unlike the world. It is to be peculiar and cut-out from the rest. In other words, beloved – “kids of the King”- we are to look different, talk different, and be different.

“But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people” (1 Peter 2:9). (KJV)

One of the ways that I have chosen to do this was to grow out the side locks of my hair, called in Hebrew peyos. I wanted to stand out as a Jew that believed in Messiah Jesus. I know that some people look at me and think that I am a bit strange. Like, “who is this?” But you know what? I believe that I am called out to be a Shaliach: a sent-out one, a messenger of Yeshua in the earth. I submit to being different. I desire to be unique so that I can represent the exclusive message of the Kingdom. I have to be set-apart to convincingly convey the unique ministry that God has given me. And beloved, the same is true for you.

I am not suggesting that you grow peyos, but that you would live your life separate from the world and fully unto Jesus. By doing so, others will recognize that you are different. Thus, opening a door to be effective witnesses because people will see that you are unique and God will use you to draw some to Himself.

Living holy will give us the confidence to step out of our comfort zone so that God can display Himself through us. Being unique creations will propel us to become more empowered witnesses to our: friends, associates, neighbors, family, and everyone we come in contact with.

Know though, at times it is going to cost us. Rejection, ridicule, and mocking is sometimes the price we must pay for declaring our faith to others. Living a holy life is not easy, but is always worth it. Beloved, keep in mind that we are in good company – Yeshua paid the ultimate price. But He overcame victoriously and so will we!

In these last days, let us make it a priority to submit ourselves as holy vessels unto God. And then, like Peter and John, pray for the boldness to tell others about the Son of God.

After Peter and John were arrested for preaching about Yeshua, they prayed.
“And now, Lord, behold their threatenings: and grant unto thy servants, that with all boldness they may speak thy word” (Acts 4:29).

We have been chosen to be a holy and set-apart people, so His light will shine through our lives in the darkness.

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Rabbi, thank you for boldly proclaiming truth!
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