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“Go out into the highways and along the hedges, and compel them to come in, so that my house may be filled.” Luke 14:23

The mission of Discovering The Jewish Jesus is to reach Israel and the World with the Good News of Jesus. As part of this effort, we want to encourage you to join with us. You can make an eternal impact in someone’s life by simply sharing these 2 new evangelistic resources below with family, friends, and others that need Jesus.

Resource 1: Who Am I?

We created this web page for those that are searching for the meaning of life. Rabbi Schneider, through 2 short videos, answers life’s most perplexing questions:

  • Who Am I?
  • Why Am I Here?
  • Is There More Than This?

Then in a 3rd video, What’s Next?, Rabbi completes his teaching with a compelling message of salvation through Jesus.

Click here to view

Resource 2: The Jewish Jesus

This web page was made to mainly reach a Jewish audience that does not believe that Jesus was the Messiah. Through a 7 part docuseries entitled: How Judaism and Christianity Separated, Rabbi Schneider takes viewers through a historical journey that answers the questions:

  • Was Jesus a Jew or a Christian?
  • Did Jesus Come to Start a New Religion?

Click here to view

Be Sure to Share!

Are you ready to help spread the Word around the world? Use the social sharing icons that you’ll find on each webpage (just like the ones pictured below) to spread the word on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or email/text to your friends and family! Sharing Jesus couldn’t be easier!

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The Book of Revelation Decoded - Revised Edition
I am so happy that I have found Jesus again!
Delores, Georgia