Reach Forward with An Upward Gaze

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Mazol Tov! We successfully ran the race all the way through 2015 … we fought the good fight by seeking, clinging and being dependent upon Father God, with trust in Jesus’ Blood for the destruction of sin and darkness in our lives. We HAVE been victorious! Be assured of this, it is not the perfection of our lives that makes us victorious, but it is the steadfast perseverance to keep pressing into Father God against the winds, and to get back up with a new Spirit-in filling when we fall.

Meeting each challenge in Jesus gives forth victories. True victory is to firstly seek and learn how to love God, and secondly to run the race that He has called you to run, unto the end of your days. In these days that are nearing Yeshua’s return, the challenges are coming one after another, with a fierceness and a force. Keep pressing into Jesus and looking up for Father’s love and direction.

Father God does not expect perfection, but rather progress. Don’t allow the devil to accuse and condemn you because you are not perfect. The Blood of Jesus is sufficient for you, and your perfection is not the requirement to succeed. What is important is that there is a big “YES” in our heart toward God, and that we are being transformed from the inside out by the Spirit of God’s love and truth. Reach forward to 2016 with an upward gaze, and be assured, you have the victory in Jesus!

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