Rabbi Prays for the President of Uganda

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As you are aware, it has been an unprecedented and difficult last two years to travel abroad. But as we all know, despite this, God is still active and moving upon the earth!

Over the years we have had many high-level meetings with Governmental Leaders in Africa, including the Speaker of Parliament of Uganda and the Governor of Nairobi, and the King of Cape Coast, Ghana. I am very grateful and humbled by the “divine appointments” God has given me to minister to so many influential leaders.

This past Yom Kippur, we had a phenomenal and extraordinary opportunity for outreach into Africa. The Pastor of the largest church in Uganda organized a National Day of Prayer. As part of this incredible event, the President of Uganda, President Museveni and I were connected via Zoom to broadcast on television to the entire nation of Uganda. During this special live program, I prayed over President Museveni and spoke a word of momentum and breakthrough over the people of Uganda – Praise God! (See more pictures at top of the next page)

What a remarkable thing it was that Uganda called a National Day of Prayer on Yom Kippur, honoring the God of Israel and the Jewish roots of their faith in Messiah Yeshua.

Beloved, with your support, God has used me to preach the Jewish Jesus all over Uganda, as well as many other nations on the African continent. We have seen great fruit of our labors from the Lord.

Truly the Word that the Lord spoke to me in a vision of the night, back in 1982, has come to pass. In that vision, the Lord showed me that He would be releasing a healing anointing through me to the African people. In addition to hundreds of thousands responding to the Lord for salvation, we have witnessed the deaf, lame, and even the blind healed, and many delivered – by the supernatural power of a loving Father.

Continue to pray that the Lord would continue to open “doors” of opportunity for us to release God’s healing anointing, not only in Africa, but to Jew and Gentile alike – all over the earth.

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