Plugged In

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As I grew in stature, it became clear to me that anything or anyone that I leaned into for comfort would eventually fail me. This occurred with my first romantic heartbreak, and then again as I realized that my parents had insecurities and brokenness that had impacted my life. Recently, I awoke with a startling vision of my face that appeared as an “ugh” emoji face (type “Ugh” as a text, and you will see the desperate emoji face pop up!). And in my right hand was a plug with a cord that connected to my soul. I knew the LORD was speaking to me. When what our heart and soul depended upon for security, comfort and identity is removed we are left desperate for a source of life. We were created to “plug into” the faithful Spirit of our Creator.

Throughout our day, we must ask ourselves, “what am I plugged into?” Am I plugging into others, or seeking comfort foods and drinks that would pacify the internal dull ache of my soul? Am I plugging and unplugging myself from one distraction to the next – from one technology or social media distraction to another? In your mind’s eye, unplug from the faulty energy of this world. Humbly reach for and tap into the power of eternal life through our almighty, righteous Yeshua, Who sits at the right hand of our Father. Commune with Him Who lives within your soul, for He will keep you in perfect peace.

For “you were like sheep going astray,” but now you have returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls. I Peter 2:25 (NIV)

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