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The Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let the one who hears say, “Come!” Let the one who is thirsty come; and let the one who wishes take the free gift of the water of life.
—Revelation 22:17, NIV

The Father is calling forth from us what we don’t feel we possess. He stretches us beyond our natural abilities and gifts, bringing us to the end of ourselves so we become so desperate for Him that we cry, “Come, Spirit! Come, Yeshua! Come, River of Life! Flow from Your throne into my heart and soul.”

When the cry of our heart is, “Come, Lord; not my will but Yours,” Father takes our hands and leads us into places we have never walked before. With the eyes of our heart looking upward to Him, He reveals Himself as our good, mighty, and trustworthy Daddy, who loves us, equips us, and wants us to succeed.

With a wooing love, the Spirit says to us, “Come,” that we would follow Him. He leads us to hidden resources, hidden wells, and hidden rivers that flow with life-giving waters. To follow His call and discover His hidden treasures we must desire nothing of our self or of this world, but seek all of Him. Through trials and tribulations our salvation in Him is worked out, and at times we will feel beaten with nothing remaining of our old self. Cooperating with His process, we let go of the old self and cry, “Come, Lord Jesus.” Our Bridegroom faithfully responds by filling the depths of our soul, to make us and mold us as He wills.

Precious one of the Lord, abandon your self to the Lover of your soul. Surrender your entire being to Him. In love and desperation, the Spirit and the Bride cry, “Come,” to each other. Cry, “Come,” and let King Jesus arise within you with His ardent love. Receive new living water in the desert places you traverse.

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Delores, Georgia