Parallel Reality

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There is a reality that is hidden from our natural man. It is a “Parallel Reality”, known as the Kingdom of God. “He was in the world, and the world was made through Him, and the world did not know Him” (John 1:10). The point that I am making is that there is a spiritual dimension that most people do not access: but it is real, it is here, it is supernatural, it is for you and it is NOW!

Beloved, we can enter into this “Parallel Reality” through Jesus by applying these three principles to our lives:

Desire Faith Intent

Without desire, we do not have the right mindset to enter in. If we first believe that we can attain this “realm of victory” that Jesus promised, then we have to determine to pursue it. God does not just drop it on us, but He calls us to it; and we must warfare to enter in. Too often though, we are passively waiting for something to happen in our life – just waiting for God to show up, just waiting for a miracle to happen. I want you to know that you have to be in cooperation with the Lord to fully access what He has for you. You must desire it with all your heart.

Secondly, faith is an action word. James said, “I will show you my faith by my works” (James 2:18). We have to demonstrate faith to enter in. I want to encourage anyone, who is feeling melancholy and wondering why nothing is happening – to take action! The Bible says, “Seek and you shall find, knock and the door shall be open.” We have to participate with God. We have to be engaged with the Holy Spirit – we must press in and do something.

The third principle to move into this “Parallel Reality” is intent. Faith comes when we believe that we can have what God said. This fuels desire, and then when faith and desire begin to work together, something comes to the surface. There is a convergence that arises, which becomes our focal point. That is when we become very intentional. When we believe that we can have it, we become purposeful. Our vision becomes clear as we seek this supernatural dimension with dogmatic focus and intent.

This parallel world requires us to exercise our faith. We cannot just sit around waiting for our miracle. We need to believe that it is real and we can have it. Through desire, we begin to press in with intent and things start happening, allowing the Kingdom of God to move in our lives.

“If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you.” Matthew 17:20

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