What burdens or heaviness are you carrying, dear ones of the LORD? Each and every individual has a load that they carry, but it is in how we carry these burdens that determines our joy in life. Your life is as a diamond and a gift that the LORD has given you; look at your life and its burdens from the angle of Philippians 4:4-8 (paraphrased): Rejoice in the Lord always… by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God… dwell on what is the good truth in Jesus. Experience the brilliant, shimmering beauty of your diamond by changing to a different and positive view of your life. Thank the LORD and rejoice for the suffering, weakness, and each “thorn-in-the-flesh”; for it is these “tough things” that keep us in the Love of God.
The Heavy burdens that we bear keep us looking to our Supernatural Maker and Savior. God knows that nothing else is more important then you looking up to Him, the Creator and Savior, to receive His hand of love reaching down to you. He requires nothing more.
Look up, for your Redeemer loves and He lives, and He will care for every detail of your life. Rejoice always, for even your darkness becomes light in His hands of love and mercy!