Moments of Selah – Pause to Experience Reality

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Amidst the rush of life, with all its details, complexities, delusions and deceptions, our Father calls us to take “time outs” with Him. Good parents often call their children to sit and take “time outs” to reflect on their thoughts and actions, and to re-set themselves into thoughts and actions that are good, true and life-producing. So today, let’s obediently pause to think on God to reset our thoughts and actions with His truth and realities.

After asking the LORD for a dream that would portray what He would have me write to you about, He gave me a dream with a clear message. The essence of the message was this: Living apart from God, we become base, with no regard for the soul, the Spirit of God, nor the infinite nature of God’s beauty. True relationships of love and trust become nonexistent, and Satan prevails.

Beloved, we must take moments to reset ourselves with the Creator. Lift one hand up and place the other hand upon your chest, and proclaim truth over yourself, your loved ones and those you meet: LORD, I am your son (your daughter), formed in your image. You have created my heart, my mind, and my soul for Your divine, eternal & specific purposes. I am Your chosen vessel of honor, cleansed by Jesus and called to glorify Your Name. My physical body has been beautifully formed for the purpose of carrying Your heart and Spirit. My physical body is not formed for mere fleshly, fleeting purposes. I am not created for the glory of myself nor any man, but for YOUR glory. May Your gospel of Love and Glory prevail on earth through my life.

For by Him all things were created … all things have been created through Him and for Him. Col 1:16

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