Messages From Rabbi Schneider

January 30, 2022


Would you please do a favor for me? Below is a link which will take you to my book page on Amazon. I am asking if you would kindly rate and comment on the books of mine you have read and enjoyed. The link will take you to all my books. This will help us reach even more people with the good news of the Kingdom Of God. Your input will make a difference and mean a lot to me personally. Toda Raba (Thank you very much).

Rabbi (please click link below)

December 12, 2022


Assuming all our needs for survival are met – (food, clothing and shelter), the only thing we need to be complete and happy is to see and know our Abba, Father God, and to know who we are to Him and in Him. This will answer all questions. Let’s make this the focus of our prayer life. Firstly that Father would reveal Himself and His glory to us, and secondly that we would have revelation on who we are in Him and to Him.

Blessings and Love,

December 5, 2022


I wanted to share this message with you from the Song Of Songs (Song of Solomon). This particular message goes from 2:13-15.

I believe it is an important word. I pray that it is a blessing and helps you ).

With love and shalom,
Rabbi Schneider

November 18, 2022


I wanted to continue to impart the revelation to you that was important to me regarding the profound truth that “God is Us” (Genesis 1:26). This is not some new age teaching that we are God but rather it is coming to grips with the reality that God is an “Us”. He is and always has been a Spirit of community. You are not alone, Us is with you. The God who is “Us” is always with you. I plan on sharing more about this transforming eternal reality with you in the days to come.

Love and peace,
Shalom U’Vracha (Peace and Blessings),
Rabbi Schneider

September 28, 2022

Shana Tova!

The shofar has sounded! We are to be looking up! Yeshua gave us signs that point to the reality that His return is near. He exhorted us to lift our heads when we see these signs coming to pass (Luke 21:28). Attached below is a message where I go through several modern day signs that are pointing to our Lord’s imminent return.

Shalom and Love,
Rabbi Schneider

May you and I go from strength to strength.

September 26 , 2022

Shana Tova!

Rosh Hashanah is HEBREW for Head of the Year. Today is the Jewish New Year.

So I want you to know that I’m sending you my love and thinking about all of you that have given me the honor of communicating with you via text. May we all grow in grace in a powerful and deep satisfying way this year!

The world is becoming more opposed to the good news of Messiah and as a result our lives are more difficult in some ways. However let’s keep in mind that Yeshua said that – when we see the signs of the end beginning to come to pass, our response should be to: ” straighten up and lift our heads for our redemption draws nigh!” (Luke 21:28). So be strong and carry-on in the strength of God!!

I love you and wish you all the very best on this new year,

Rabbi Schneider

August 5, 2022

Greetings beloved one! I have been thinking about Colossians 3:3 which says that our lives “are hidden with Christ in God”. Paul says this in relation to his admonition to us to “seek the things that are above where Christ is seated at the right hand of God”. The realities that we are pressing into are invisible spiritual realities that are not necessarily tied to anything in this world. God Himself IS peace, joy, love, glory, power and life! He imparts these supernatural spiritual substances to us by His Spirit – independent from the world.

Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Schneider

Let’s press in to lay hold of His kingdom

July 8, 2022

Shabbat Shalom,

I thought you might enjoy this.

Blessings and Love,

June 29, 2022


I have been thinking about how Yeshua’s first miracle was to turn the water to wine at a wedding (John chapter 2). Weddings and wine are  both symbols of great celebration. The Lord has really been impressing upon me that He chose this to be His first miracle to highlight that He is a God of joy and He wants us to live in a Spirit of freedom, victory and joy! Life can be so difficult that we can lose sight of this. I want to encourage you that God is happy and He wants you and I to be happy to. Cherish and thank Him for your relationship with Him, your destiny, that He is causing all things to work together for good for you and for everything you have. This will both please Him and make you happier!

“Rejoice in the Lord always, again, I will say rejoice!” (Philippians 4:4). God is a God of celebration. 


June 11, 2022


Greetings today in the name of the Lord! I wanted to encourage us to keep our heads lifted high!! Messiah Jesus said we live in a world where Satan dwells (see Revelation 2:13). We are in a fight to keep ourselves encouraged. I often remind myself of Yeshua’s words in John 16:33 – In the world you will have trouble but be of good cheer for I have overcome the world. And His command – Let not your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid. I released a short three minute devotional that I thought might be helpful.

Let me know – it’s always nice to know that these short texts are blessing you:


June 2, 2022


Greetings in the Name of Messiah!

I just wanted to remind us all that our Savior Yeshua of Nazareth said, “In the world you will have trouble but be courageous for I have overcome the world” (John 16:33).

Jesus also said “My peace I leave with you that is not from this world”. So I just wanted to encourage just today, to not be heavy but to look up and rejoice, for we truly have victory in Messiah Jesus.

With Love,

May 3, 2022


You are probably aware of the fact that the Supreme Court may be on the verge of reversing abortion rights and the Roe versus Wade decision – just announced today. I went LIVE to discuss this incredible development. Here is the link if you would like to join me:

Rabbi Schneider

April 29, 2022

Shabbat Shalom,

I thought this might encourage many of you, I know it does me.


April 11, 2022


I just released this live prophetic revelatory word. 

May the Lord fully deliver us into His freedom.


April 7, 2022


As I have matured in the Lord I have become more aware of how to separate, the flesh from the Spirit and learn how to live out of Yeshua in me. The scripture says “In Him you are complete”. We need to not allow ourselves to be overwhelmed by our emotions and instead live out of His strength within us. It is a fact – He is in you, and He is strong. By faith and revelation you can live out of that strength. Please join me on YouTube, this coming Monday at 1 PM EST for a special Live broadcast I will be doing on Passover and why it is important for you as a child of God. You can access this live broadcast through my website as well. 

Shalom U’Vracha (Peace and Blessings),
Rabbi Schneider

March 30, 2022

Baruch HaShem (Bless His Name)!  I want to assure you that the messages that you will receive from me will be coming directly from me. You will be receiving them in real time (as I text them). For many years I have wanted to find a vehicle where I could be in direct personal communication with my friends and mishpacha (family). I will only be texting when I truly feel that I have something of value to communicate and share with you. Please understand that I will not be able to respond back and dialogue. 

I love you and want to thank you for letting me into your life in this new way! You will begin receiving texts soon.

FYI –  To have my texts to you appear in your phone in my name, enter 887-77 in your Contacts under my name. 

Shalom U’Vracha (Peace and Blessings),

Rabbi Schneider

March 25, 2022


Just a note to let you know that I’ve been thinking of my friends (you:)! Also I wanted to stress that these text that you’re receiving from me are coming directly from me in real time. I created this mechanism because I wanted to be in close contact with those that the Lord has connected to me and my ministry. Those of you that have been receiving my texts know that I only send things out when I feel I have something of value to share. 

I have been meditating a lot on the reality that the Word of God is inside us. Yeshua/Jesus is the Word incarnate – the Word lived through Him (John 1:1-5,14). I’ve been striving to go deeper. To live out of the Word which is inside me. This means that we do not live out of our emotions, feelings, or the natural mind. We live out of the living Word. We need to not receive or accept anything that is not in alignment with the living Word which is in harmony with the written Word. 

Chesed (Grace ) and Love,

On a separate note I would like to invite you to join me for Passover where I anticipate that the Lord will lead me to talk about this more deeply.

March 17, 2022


Today is a Jewish holiday called Purim. You can read the book of Esther to better understand the whole story behind it. In a nutshell, Esther was used to save the Jewish people. One of my favorite parts in the biblical narrative is how Esther came to realize that God had prepared her for “such a time as this” (Esther 4:14). Likewise, you and I must also realize that whatever we’re facing in life right now,  “God has prepared us for such a time as this”. So to those of you that have been living for God – trust Him to strengthen you and give you victory through whatever you’re facing. You are ready and God is with you!

Chag Sameach (Happy Holiday),
Rabbi Schneider

March 3, 2022


First of all I want to send love and shalom in Yeshua to you! Although many of us have never seen each other in person, we nevertheless love each other in the Spirit 🙂

I am reaching out to you now to invite you to a special live In Person event I will be hosting for Passover. Please click on the link for details.

I hope to meet you in person. 

As Always,
Love and shalom,

February 18, 2022


Shalom and Greetings in Messiah,
God deserves our best! When you think about who He is and all He has done for you you should not allow yourself to mope or be discouraged. He deserves our faith, our confidence, and our praise! God is so awesome and He’s happy all the time! So let’s stir up our faith and praise Him. Let’s not allow ourselves to be overcome by the enemy because we are triumphant overcomers! Staying confident proves that you love and trust Him 🙂

With Love!
Rabbi Schneider

January 18, 2022


Just a note to encourage us to keep looking up and staying aware. Yeshua, Jesus –  is here by His Spirit. We must wake up by the power of the Holy Spirit to realize this. Jesus said, “I am with you always”. Let’s fight the fight of faith into the breakthrough of knowing and realizing  how close our God and Father is to us.

With His Love and Shalom,
Rabbi Schneider

November 13, 2021


I just wanted to say that I have been thinking about you all but I do not want to reach out by text unless I feel I have something to say. I am continuing to focus on “living from the inside out”. I don’t want to view myself or my circumstances from the exterior (what others or the world may think). Instead I want to live out of fellowship with my Creator and my relationship with Him! Amen?:) So I want to encourage all of us today to focus on living from the inside out. Let’s not view ourselves or our circumstances through the lens of the world or others. Let’s focus our gaze on Jesus/Yeshua. ALL WE NEED TO KNOW IS THAT HE LOVES US and there is nothing that we can do to ADD or TAKE AWAY from that!

I hope this helps 🙂

Peace and Blessings (Shalom U’Vracha),

October 8, 2021


A remarkable thing happened on Yom Kippur, I was invited to speak over the president of Uganda, President Museveni through the invitation of the pastor who has the greatest influence in this country. We are proclaiming the Jewish Jesus in Africa! It’s an incredible fulfillment of Messianic prophecy. Genesis 22:18 declares that through the “seed of Abraham all the nations of the earth will be blessed”.  Now that we have entered into this new year which began in September on Rosh Hashanah, I would like to ask you all for your prayers. For Breakthrough – for this ministry. That God would open amazing doors for us to preach the gospel of the Kingdom into the earth beyond that which we ask or think (Ephesians 3:20). 

May the God of glory, the God and father of the Lord Jesus Christ, strengthen us all to overcome and to experience the reality that we are seated in heaven with Christ Jesus – Yeshua the Messiah  at the right hand of God.


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