LOVE WELL – A Revelation, Part III

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Releasing God’s Love
Looking to Father God for fresh vision as we approached 2016 I strongly sensed Him saying to me, “Love Well.” Loving involves both knowing someone, and being known. In Part I, I highlighted the need to be initiative in expressing our detailed thoughts to Father God, who cares and will respond to us as we reach out to Him. As we practice talking to God we will experience His Presence and discern His Spirit-voice throughout each day.

In Part II of “Loving Well” we learned to embrace Yeshua’s
Church, which consists of imperfect Christians. The only difference between Christians and the world is that we recognize our brokenness and receive Jesus’ blood and crucifixion as penalty for sin, by which we are saved and have our names written on the Book of Eternal Life. A Christian seeks to know the LORD and to be transformed from the inside out, but transformation takes a lifetime. Loving well, as a Christian, is to reject accusation and condemnation toward one another, and to bear with one another in the grace and mercy that Jesus has shown us.

Finally, in being filled with Father’s love, and then binding together with Yeshua’s Church, we can fulfill the final mandate of releasing Father’s love to a lost world which does not know our Father. We live in stressful times. Deep fears reside in people all around us. What results, when not walking in the knowledge of Father God, is abrasive, defensive, and rejecting behaviors. Father is calling us to remain at peace within His Spirit of love and to release His
unconditional love to those around us. Let’s “Love well” in 2016, and build the Kingdom of God!

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