Although my mother has passed, I often find myself saying, “Oh, now I see why mom said and did that!” Aging and new experiences give us a new lens from which we see and understand life. And with these new perspectives, new fears can also often surface. Recently when Rabbi and I discussed our burial plans with a funeral home director, fears surfaced within me related to being buried “six feet underground.” For months I wrestled out my fears of being buried alive with the LORD. Suddenly, in the middle of a church service, the Holy Spirit spoke to me in a way that released God’s shalom into my heart. He said, “Your life journey with Me is a series of experiences of letting go. You let go of your own expectations to discover my better ways. You let go of hurts, bitterness, pride and unforgiveness to encounter humility, love, peace, and freedom in Me. You let go of outer physical beauty to discover the unfading beauty of My Spirit within you. The list goes on and on, and your final letting go will be at the letting go of your physical, clay vessel that served to carry My Spirit. Your physical death is your final letting go that releases your spirit being (your essence) into your mansion, or dwelling place, with Me.” He set me free. So, let’s practice letting go to trust our Beloved Yeshua. He always has something more and better.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6