Kimana, Kenya

Kimana, Kenya is located in a very remote region just north of Mount Kilimanjaro. The Masai, one of the last traditional tribes on earth, dominate its population. The world at large, and even many citizens of Kenya, have never even heard of Kimana, but God knew them and sent Rabbi to deliver a life-changing word. Pastors here said that no other prominent preacher had ever visited before, but they are so grateful Rabbi came; because they have been eternally changed and blessed.

On the first three nights, Rabbi laid a firm foundation as he preached about the Father’s love for His children. Though the preaching was powerful, the people of Kimana almost missed out on their blessings. They seemed to be spiritually impaired by pride, not expressing themselves with any excitement and resisting the need for an encounter with Jesus. One pastor described the people as “rocky soil”, meaning: it is difficult to break through the people’s hard-hearts. They were in desperate need of a spiritual awakening.

On the last night of the crusade, the size of the crowd tripled, and after Rabbi preached a strong word to repent (because Jesus is coming back soon)—only a few people responded. A holy anger arose in Rabbi Schneider, and he rebuked the crowd for their spiritual deadness and resistance to God. After the rebuke, hearts began to soften, and God moved mightily. The people began to respond and many came forward to receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior, including a large number of children. Praise The Lord! Many testified that God saved, healed and delivered them. The town thief even received Jesus and then publically repented. He then returned all the items that he had stolen to their owners! One man came forward and testified, with much joy in his heart and with tears streaming down his face: “I had never knew or felt the love of the Father before—until tonight”.

Thank you for all your prayers and financial support. We could not do this without you! You always are there with us, as we co-labor together. Thank You!

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Rabbi, thank you for boldly proclaiming truth!
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