Jesus Our Healer

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In chapter 7 of Song of Songs, we find a magnificent love story, filled with passion and promise, as King Jesus displays His unwavering love for His bride, the Shulamite woman. This is a grand depiction of His love for us, set in romantic imagery, for we are truly His Bride. King Jesus praises her, using intimate language to share His delight in her: spirit, soul, and body. My beloved, the Lord not only cares for our spirit and soul, but our physical body as well. His eternal purpose is that we live in health, that we live free of pain, that we live unencumbered to freely worship and serve Him.

Right now, some of you are struggling with sickness or pain. God causes all things to work together for good, but ultimately, His plan is for you to be whole. Sometimes the source of health issues is self-rejection. You can bring sickness on yourself when you reject your body. In rejecting your body you actually curse your body. Instead my brother and sister you need to bless your body. Your body is a vessel containing the anointing of Jesus; His very Spirit resides in you, hallelujah!
So instead, let us declare together:

“Father, I want to thank you for creating me in Your magnificent image, I want to rejoice that I have been fearfully and wonderfully made. I choose to praise You and thank You, that one day I will be given a glorious body: free of pain, sickness, and disease!”

After Jesus had risen, He breathed life on His disciples saying ‘receive the Holy Spirit, My peace (Shalom) I give to you’. Shalom means wholeness and completeness, nothing lacking. Beloved, Jesus wants you well; He went to the cross and bore the stripes for your healing. God loves you, which encompasses all of you: body, soul, and spirit. He is calling you today to lay hold of His promises and to stir up your faith in Him.

Right now, wherever you are, I want you to lay aside any distractions, any doubt, any fear. Then embrace the mighty name of Jesus who died on the cross for you and took your infirmities in His own body in the process: He is your Healer, He is your Deliverer, He is your King. I want you to reach out to Him, just like the woman with the issue of blood. Reach out to Him asking Him to release His healing anointing into your life: spirit, soul, mind and body. Ask Him to take away your sickness, to heal your broken heart, and make you whole. Amen!

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