I urge you to see yourself for who you are: Father’s beloved child, saved from spiritual ignorance and alienation from God your Creator, through the Blood of His Son. Father has called you out of darkness, filled you with Himself, and He now sends you into a strange and foreign land of souls alienated from Father’s love. Beloved ones, we are released into this world to be a lighthouse to draw all men into the Light through Yeshua (Jesus). Suffering souls, alienated from Father and without a hope, surround us every day. Let us act as priests of God’s Holy Temple and bring God’s children to Himself, through the Blood of the Lamb. You are Messiah’s ambassador; and God is making an appeal through you to people in need of a priest, who would usher them into the arms of their loving Father. Let’s go as individuals into the world, and as an army together. Also, know that when you support Rabbi
and I through prayer and financial giving, you travel with us as God’s ambassador around the globe. Together we act as the LORD’s priests to those without a hope and without a way to Father God. As God’s army, together we are bringing Heaven down to earth and Father’s children into His loving arms!
“We are ambassadors for Messiah, as God were making an appeal through us; we beg you on behalf of Messiah, be reconciled to God.” II Corinthians 5:20