Intimacy With God

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God’s greatest desire is to have intimacy with you! Just as God desired to dwell in Israel, He desires to dwell among you. There are several ways to cultivate this intimacy with Him: sitting tranquilly in His presence, being obedient, and by fasting.

You will gain a greater awareness of God’s Spirit within you when you develop the spiritual discipline of being still before the LORD. As you learn to sit still before God and allow Him to minister to you, He will transform your life. Even though you may feel nothing at first, trust in the process. You probably won’t see change in a single day. However, you will notice change in your life over time.

As you sit before the LORD, He will bring you into a greater understanding of who you are in Him. This greater revelation of self-understanding will bring a positive affirmation of your identity in Him. Additionally, you will become aware of the areas in your life where you have been deceived and need to repent.

I encourage you to get into a quiet room in your home and spend at least 30 minutes every day sitting before the LORD with beautiful worship music playing. As you spend time in tranquility before the LORD, He will use the music as an agent of the Holy Spirit to impart Himself into your life.
Remember, this is not a sprint, but a marathon.

For many years the scripture verses found in John 14:21-23 had troubled me:
21“‘Whoever has my commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves me. He who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love him and show myself to him.’ … 23Jesus replied, “If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching. My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him.”

As the years went by, Yeshua helped me to understand that He was actually saying this: as I give myself to Him, He will reveal His love to me. In other words, He responds to us as we respond to Him. We do not obey Him to earn His love. Rather, we obey Him out of a desire to walk in oneness with Him.

He isn’t seeking obedience for the sake of obedience, but obedience for the sake of love. Obedience produces a separation of your life unto God. As you learn how to say, “LORD, not my will, but Thy will be done,” you will enter deeper and deeper into intimacy with God.

Fasting is another way to achieve intimacy with God. The purpose of fasting is not to gain God’s favor. You don’t need to gain God’s favor because He already loves you and He will never love you any more than He loves you right now! Fasting makes you hunger and thirst for God. When you fast you will look to God alone as your source for life. As you recognize your sole dependence upon Him, a greater focus and clarity will evolve in your life; drawing you into greater intimacy with Him.

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