“I’m Changing the Landscape”

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For the most part I work out of my home, so when I heard the chainsaws cutting down all the woods to the left of my home, I knew my peaceful haven with the cheerful chirping birds outside my window was coming to an end. Sure enough the excavators and jack hammers came next, and I began to struggle to stay in peace. Not only was the ground underneath me shaking, but my whole being shook with irritability toward the new neighbors who decided to tear down the beautiful peaceful woods in order to build their home. Seeking to restore an inner shalom, I looked up to the One who chose me, saved me and has good plans for my life. I sought His heart and perspective. His swift reply was simple and direct, “I’m changing the landscape.” Although in the natural this seems quite apparent, His Spirit-filled words filled me with a profound shalom beyond the circumstances. “Ahh,” I expressed back to Him, “I see. You’re always shifting and changing the times and seasons of my life. You are living, moving, active, and always calling me to move with the wind of Your Spirit. Father, You are at the wheel of my life and have proven over and over that You are good regardless of any changes in the landscape of my life. I let go of what was and look forward to what YOU have next for me.” 

Beloved, as we approach Yeshua’s return, our landscapes are continually shifting and changing. Hurricanes, floods, earthquakes and wildfires remove what was, and political instabilities shake the trustworthiness of our governments, all proving that there is nothing in this world to hold onto and sink our trust in. The LORD speaks, “Trust in My faithfulness to redeem you, keep you and complete the good plans that I have for your life. What matters is your eternal relationships of love with Me and others that last forever.” 

Celebrating Yeshua’s Light and Hope with you at this season, my precious, forever brothers and sisters. XO 

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