On March 6, we received a disturbing call from TBN informing me that, after airing our show for the past 7 years, they will no longer be carrying Discovering The Jewish Jesus as of March 23. Many of you may have noticed TBN’s program changes, and I was told that Discovering The Jewish Jesus does not fit in with their “new direction” or idea of trying to be more attractive to a younger demographic. Beloved, I have always believed that the Word of God is relevant for all ages.
My first concern is for all of you that currently watch us on TBN. I want to assure you that you can still get all of our programs on many other National Networks like: Daystar, Word, Impact, as well as numerous others that are available on most cable and satellite systems. To see the days and times of all the networks that we broadcast on, please Click Here The Lord has been giving me new messages that I believe contain some of the most powerful revelation that I have ever taught.
If you prefer to watch online, we have created special Discovering The Jewish Jesus internet channels that carry the same shows that air on TV, available 24/7 on: Roku, Apple TV, and Amazon Fire TV.
It is imperative that we do not take a step back, but press forward towards the high calling of God!
This year, God willing, I will be ministering in Haifa, Israel. Congregations and leaders from all across Israel will converge as I bring forth a special Word for this Jewish audience. Here are the places where people will be coming from:
I will also be making my first trip to Russia to preach the message of Messiah Yeshua, and we are presently making plans to return to Africa where we have seen thousands of salvations!
Discovering The Jewish Jesus is an end times ministry. We are truly reaching Israel and the world. In fact, on April 12 we will begin broadcasting Discovering The Jewish Jesus across Israel in Hebrew, on Israel’s first Hebrew Christian television network. We will continue to use any and all methods that God provides to reach the lost – television, radio, social media, texting, internet, and our App. I will not shrink back!
Thank you for your continued love, prayers, and financial support!
In His Name
Love and Shalom,
P.S. If, after reviewing the list of networks, you are having trouble finding us on your television, please call us at: 1-800-777-7835 and press the #8 button on your phone. Someone from our Ministry Team will be following up with you.