7 Programs,
Beginning the Week of May 28th

Jesus came to earth to bring Jews and Gentiles together. If we were supposed to be united as one Church, how did Judaism and Christianity become separated?

Gather your friends and family to watch this powerful new series on Discovering The Jewish Jesus with Rabbi Schneider.

The series will be airing on Daystar, TBN and GodTV. Click here to view days and times:
TV Schedule


The Separation
Jesus said in Matthew 5:17 that He did not come to abolish the Law and the Prophets, but He came to fulfill them. So how did Judaism and Christianity become separated?

This process of separation had a lot to do with the jealousy of the Pharisees after Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead (John 11: 38-44). The Pharisees were afraid that the Jews would follow Yeshua rather than themselves, and for this reason sought to kill Him (John 11: 47, 48, 53).

Does God Have a Son?
Another reason that the Christian movement branched away from Judaism of Jesus’ day was Theology. The Jewish Rabbis and religious leaders could not fathom that God had a Son (See John 5:18).

The Law: Oral and Written
The fact that Yeshua did not recognize much of the traditions of the Jewish religious leaders as coming from God, only intensified the divide (See Mark 7).

The wedge between the two movements expanded when the Apostles of Jesus began to receive Gentiles into the “Household of Faith” (See Acts 10).

The Revolt
After the Jewish people living in Israel revolted against the Roman Government, the Romans retaliated by destroying the Temple in Jerusalem. Without a Temple, there could no longer be sacrifices, and thus, no need for the Priesthood. This led to the Pharisees’ need to re-invent Judaism, known today as Rabbinic Judaism. This new form of Judaism carried within it an anti-Yeshua mindset, and drove out Jewish believers in Messiah from it.

The Effect of Antisemitism
In the early 300’s, Constantine, who had become the leading influence of Christendom, began to “fan” a prejudice against Jews. His anti-Semitic position continued with Martin Luther, the father of the Protestant Reformation—and sadly continues today.


Rabbi Schneider
Rabbi Schneider

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