How Far Can This Go?!

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After watching the news and persevering through wave after wave of trials and tribulations, I found myself crying out in exasperation, “How far can this go?!” In carrying the weight of this question, with all of its fears and anxieties, to the LORD, He took me to Romans 8:38-39. “For I am convinced that neither death nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present nor in things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Through the Holy Spirit I saw that every trial and every tribulation, and every single thing of this world, could never keep me from receiving and experiencing the higher (supernatural) reality of a peace that comes from receiving and experiencing the love of God. The supernatural love of my Creator and Savior is what keeps me safe and feeds my soul with everything I need for life. For those who reject Yeshua as their Lord and Savior there is no true, saving peace through all the trials and tribulations of this world. But for those of us who receive and apply Yeshua’s blood over our lives, the Heavens of Father God open and release the answer to every problem and every question that we will ever have. Our Almighty LORD and Savior says, “In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world. John 16:33b”

Oh beloved of the Father, won’t you release everything of this world today to receive and experience the Father’s love? Drink in His love, and let Him saturate your soul so that you have need of nothing else but Him. As in the Song of Songs, let Him kiss and heal you in the deepest recesses of your heart. Nothing will separate you from the love of God.

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