He is Compassion

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King David said: “Who crowns you with lovingkindness and compassion.” Psalm 103:4
Beloved, I want us to fully realize, comprehend, and appreciate, that Father God has boundless compassion and a deep lovingkindness for each one of us.

Through Jesus, HaShem (Father God) is capable of sympathizing with our weaknesses and frailties. He is always able and willing to help us with our insecurities, fears, and doubts. Father desires to strengthen us! He is compassion!

Consider this – God does not have to be compassionate and merciful. He could have easily wiped all of us out like He did with the flood – except for Noah and his family (Genesis 6: 9-22). He could have dealt with us like he did the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 19: 1-29). But instead, praise HaShem, He has chosen, through the blood of Yeshua, to extend His love to us wholeheartedly.

We need to understand that it is God’s compassion that allows us to be honest with Him. We can talk with Father. We can tell HaShem anything that we are struggling with. We can open up our whole life to Him. And, every time, Father’s response is going to be filled with love and compassion. This does not mean that He will not discipline and chastise us when necessary. He will, but He is always going to help us. God actually knows us better than we know ourselves. He even loves us more than we love ourselves. He is aware of all of our thoughts before we think them and He is closer to us than our next breath.

But oftentimes we feel as though God is really far away, that He is distant – so we have a hard time sensing His love for us. We imagine that Father is so far removed, that He is up in Heaven somewhere. We want to feel closer to Him. The truth is that sometimes we do not feel and experience a deeper closeness to God, not because He is so far away, but because we are afraid to let Him in.

Yes, God is in Heaven, but God is beyond a place. He is The Place. He is beyond space, time, and any borders. God is not confined by a location or anything else. He created space! God created time! You know where God is? He is right here. He is right now. He is with you and in you. He loves you. Father adores you and is waiting for you to love Him, to bless Him, and to let Him in.

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