He Died For You!

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One of the most profound revelations, we find in Scripture, is in Exodus 33:18. Here, Moses calls out to God: Show me Your glory. 

God responds by revealing His true nature with these words:  The LORD, the LORD God, compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding  in loving-kindness and truth.” Exodus 34:6

When we begin to confess that God is good, that He is gracious, and that He has a heart of loving kindness towards us, it is going to change us and bring us into a deeper relationship with Him.

David said: Be gracious to me, O God, according to Your lovingkindness… Psalm 51:1

Beloved, God is not up in the sky with a gavel, waiting to judge us. God’s anger for our sin was already taken out on the beloved Lord Jesus. God is simply asking us to come boldly before the throne of grace and to have confidence in His love toward us.

Father God, we thank you right now that Your heart towards us is to bless us. Father, Your desire is to be gracious to us, to show us Your favor.

This is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.” John 17:1

His purpose for creating you, beloved, was to have a relationship with you. He sent His Son to die for

you because He loves you. And when Jesus died for you, He did not die to only save you from hell.

He did not just die to forgive you of your sins. He died to marry you!

Blessed are they which are called unto the  marriage supper of the Lamb.” Revelation 19:9

God loves you specifically. He loves you uniquely. He died for you!

I chose you out of the world…  John 15:19

Father, I want to thank you today that there is a supernatural transformation that is taking place in my life right now; that Father, You are washing me of wrong concepts of You and even washing me from the sin of not believing in Your love for me. Father, I reject Satan and his lies right now and I take a stand with Jesus and His Word that You love me and that You proved it to me by sending Your Son. So Father, I thank You for Your love today. I thank You for washing me. Thank You so much, Father, I love you. Amen.

Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity And cleanse me from my sin.”  Psalm 51:2

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