God’s Story (Part 2)

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Last month I shared the beginning of my story- that you are now a part of. I shared of the strong faith developed during my childhood. At the age of 18 though, this faith was shook dramatically. While attending Michigan State University, I encountered students of a wide variety of cultural and religious beliefs. Questions raced through my mind as to whether I had merely been brainwashed by my family and church to believe in Jesus. I hungered to know Truth, and I avidly searched for it through attending philosophy classes, Bible studies, asking others about their beliefs, and crying out to the Lord at night.

I prayed for 5 years, telling God that I could no longer believe in Him unless He would reveal Himself as Lord, and that He would also send me a man from Himself. Throughout these 5 years, I experienced no answer to my prayer. All of the strong foundations of God eroded, and my new life became a pursuit of whatever would bring me instant pleasure. My life spiraled down into darkness and a depraved state, lacking any inner peace. At this lowest point of my life, I encountered my Jewish neighbor who I knew from high school. He shared his vision and revelation of Jesus as Lord As he spoke, I felt the Spirit of God go through me, in answer to my deepest 5-year prayer, “I AM the Way, the Truth and the Life.” And yes, this Jewish neighbor became my husband, Rabbi Schneider! Together with you, we are Jew and Gentile, One in Messiah, building His Kingdom and preparing for His return!

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