God Hears You – Always!

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Consider this profound statement that Jesus made; as He was about to raise Lazarus from the dead: 

“And Jesus raised His eyes, and said, ‘Father, I thank You that You have heard Me. But I knew that You always hear Me; nevertheless, because of the people standing around I said it, so that they may believe that You sent Me’” (John 11: 41, 42). 

The two things I want to point out here are: First, we learn from Yeshua’s Words, in these verses, that most of His communication with the Father was not out loud so that others could hear it. In this instance, He spoke out loud so that His disciples would understand His connection and relationship with Father. Secondly, we can see (from John 11: 41, 42) that Yeshua was in perfect union with the Father. He knew God always heard Him, whether He spoke out loud or silently from His heart. Jesus participated continually in a personal and silent dialogue with His Father, God. 

The Son maintained a perpetual state of fellowship with His heavenly Father. 

As it was with Jesus, who did not always pray out loud but was always in conscious union with His Father, so it is with us. Our prayer life should involve a constant inner dialog with God. It is not essential for it to always to be expressed aloud. In fact, we are effectively praying whenever we talk to God, whether earnestly in our hearts and minds or verbally with our mouths. 

Prayer is best defined as simply – reaching out to God. We pray because we believe that God exists, that He knows and loves us, and that He will answer our prayers. 

This does not mean that every time we ask God for something that we are going to see it happen immediately. He answers in His own way and in His own time. But we are to remain strong, unquestionably trusting Him, even when we do not see the results right away. 

When we don’t understand His hand, we continue to trust His heart. 

I want to encourage you to trust that God hears your most subtle inclination, the most delicate movement of your soul. He hears you always. You do not always have to project out loud with your vocal cords, thinking that the louder you are – the better your chance is that He notices you. Beloved, be convinced that He hears you – even before you ask. 

“Your Father knows what you need before you ask Him.” Matthew 6:8 

When we are in communion with the Lord, He responds to us. We do not have to go somewhere or project out loud to connect with Him. God is always right in the center of our very being. We never have to fear that He does not hear us. He hears us – always! 

As Yeshua said: 

“I knew that You always hear Me” (John 11:42). 

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