From Passover to Pentecost

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Beloved, the book you are receiving today, From Passover to Pentecost, was truly a labor of love with many battles to its completion. I urge you to sacrificially take time to invite the Holy Spirit to speak to you as you read one devotional a day, between Passover to Pentecost. By humbling yourself before His Word and His Spirit, you will be taking, drinking and eating of His Spirit life. Passover and Pentecost are two of the three pilgrim Feasts that were designated by HaShem (Deuteronomy 16:16) for all of Israel to come to Jerusalem and present a special offering to God. As we begin to count down the days to Pentecost, won’t you take the challenge to read one devotion a day, presenting yourself as an offering to God for deep, personal transformation and revival.

Even as Israel was delivered by the blood of the Passover lamb over 3500 years ago, today the blood of Yesua is alive, the blood of the Lamb of God is active, bringing salvation and deliverance from darkness and sin to everyone that calls upon Jesus giving their lives to Him. Passover is for us today. Yeshua’s last supper with His disciples was a Passover meal (see Matthew 26:17-29). Luke records, “And when He had taken some bread and given thanks, He broke it and gave it to them, saying, “This is My body which is given for you; do this in remembrance of Me. And in the same way He took the cup after they had eaten, saying, “This cup which is poured out for you is the new covenant in My blood” (Luke 22: 19, 20). It was the blood of the lamb that rescued ancient Israel, and it is the blood of the Lamb, Jesus the Messiah, that redeems us today. Jesus is the true and irrefutable Lamb of God. But it was not enough for Israel just to gather the blood of the ancient lambs in basins in order to be saved by it. Instead, they had to personally apply it to the individual doorposts of their homes. Likewise, it is not enough to know that Yeshua shed His blood and died for our salvation. We must personally receive Him into our lives. Let’s daily present ourselves to the LORD, laying down the concerns of this world to look up and seek fresh manna from the Holy Spirit.

During this season, we have found, over the years, that many feel inspired to present to Father a Special Passover offering, just like God’s people historically did when they made pilgrimage to Jerusalem. We have provided a postage paid envelope for you to send in your Special Passover offering for the LORD and His work through Discovering the Jewish Jesus. Thank you for your love and support.

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