Experiencing Your Breakthrough

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“And it shall come to pass in that day, that his burden shall be taken away from o thy shoulder, and his yoke from o thy neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing.” Isaiah 10:27 KJV

Walking in the breaker anointing (described above), rst requires us to press in to receive more and more of Jesus and then acting upon what we have received (James 2:18)! Next, we must commit to continue to do what is right, thus creating momentum by continuing to say “Yes God, yes God, yes God!” especially in the midst of trials. By doing this we will create the strength which propel us into breakthrough.

The breaker anointing is the type of anointing that results in breakthrough, and is a type of spiritual-strength that arises within us in violence against the devil and his schemes.

“Jesus entered the temple and drove out all those who were buying and selling in the temple, and overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those who were selling doves.” Matthew 21:12

This is the type of breaker anointing that it takes to get free of the demonic forces that torment us and our loved ones. We have to turn on the oppressor – so that the very thing that was hunting us down becomes the hunted. We need to go from being a victim to arising and becoming the victor; turning on Satan and his cohorts. Remember, when we receive Jesus, we take on His likeness: “The Son of God appeared for this purpose, to destroy the works of the devil.” 1 John 3:8

The breaker anointing will manifest when the anointing of Jesus so takes possession of us, that we are empowered by Him to turn on the devil and destroy him. is anointing will destroy his works, literally break down gates, remove hindrances, and move mountains!

God wants our lives to reflect Him. We need to have this type of mentality. We must have
a “not-to-be-denied” mindset like Jacob had when he took ahold of the Angel and said to the LORD: “I am not going to let go until you bless me.” Beloved, breakthrough requires that you have this same spirit, one that says: “I will walk in a breaker anointing, and I will pursue God until it is mine!”

When you set your intention on that, by submitting your time, your talents, your treasure, and your heart, towards an “all-out” pursuit of God – you are going get strong! You are going to enter into this breaker anointing. Beloved, if you do not give up, you are eventually going to get your breakthrough!

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