Rabbi Schneider

Experiencing the Supernatural

How to Saturate Your Life with the Power and Presence of God

In this exploration of what it means to be created in the likeness of God, who is Spirit, Rabbi Schneider challenges readers to raise their expectations regarding the supernatural—and learn to walk in the demonstrable power of God.

We have gotten our perspective backward, he explains. We are looking for God in the natural world—things we can touch. We do not really comprehend the fact that God’s Spirit is in us, guiding us, building the kind of faith that leads to supernatural experiences. Something happens when we understand that we are spiritual beings who have victory over the material world.

With personal examples and practical action steps, Rabbi Schneider helps readers

  • discern the voice of God’s Spirit—which is the precursor to developing a supernatural mindset
  • experience signs, wonders and miracles as everyday occurrences
  • expect wholeness—including physical health
  • draw personal parallels from God’s supernatural dealings with the Jewish people
  • face resistance to the supernatural, including demonic opposition

The principles and tactics offered in Experiencing the Supernatural help readers embrace their authority, resist the enemy, hold fast—and commune with God in deeper relationship and experience. This encouraging and eye-opening book will help God’s children experience the supernatural in its fullness—every day.

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What Christian Leaders are saying:

After 37 years of walking with God, I have learned the same lesson time and time again—all that matters in the end is spending time in the power and presence of God! This book is must-reading if you want to grow in your relationship with the Lord!”
Rabbi Jonathan Bernis, President and CEO
Jewish Voice Ministries, International

“Most believers spend their lives mastering the natural world. What a waste! All the real action is in the invisible world. This book will open your spiritual eyes to be naturally supernatural!”
Sid Roth, Host
It’s Supernatural!

“Wow! What an eye-opener! Rabbi Schneider simply reverses your thinking. He teaches how to live in the supernatural from the inside and not from the outside. This is a must-read to learn how to train your senses to follow the witness of the Holy Spirit.”
Marcus D. Lamb, Founder–President
Daystar Television Network

“I can honestly say after knowing Rabbi Schneider for many years that Experiencing the Supernatural exemplifies his walk with the living Savior! I have always been impressed by his love for God and his supernatural journey, which began at twenty after a visitation with Yeshua. If you desire to experience a realm where all things are possible, this is a must-read!”
Bishop Wayne Jackson, Founder/President,
Impact Television Network

“In Experiencing the Supernatural, Rabbi K. A. Schneider challenges us to raise our expectations regarding the supernatural. This book
will deepen your relationship with God.”
Jentezen Franklin, Senior Pastor, Free Chapel;
New York Times bestselling author

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