Jim and Patricia, Washington

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Rabbi, we first began watching 2 years ago when you were in the second or third teaching of the series “Song of Songs, A Journey into Divine Love”. I was mesmerized, my ears were immediately opened, the scales fell from my eyes, and even now as I write this to you, tears of joy are building up in my eyes, to know and understand the deep love that Abba and Jesus have for us…for me. I began listening to you teach on Song of Songs, a month or so later, Patricia (my wife) began to see a change in me and she also began watching, she began to change. We finally stepped down and put Father God on the throne of our lives. 2 years ago we became a monthly Partner with your ministry and we have been blessed beyond measure in all aspects of our lives. We enjoy hearing of the many things that God is doing through you. The lives He is touching, healing and bringing out of darkness through your obedience to Him. We are so very thankful that we can be a part of what you and your ministry team are doing to further the Kingdom of God. Seeing the videos and reading about the crusades fills me with joy, I truly begin to smile when I think of them. Thank-you for all the unexpected ‘benefits’ of being a Partner, my favorites has been your first book and the music CD “Shema Yisrael” by Ken Sears. Your monthly teachings on CD’s are being saved for a time when we may not be able to receive your teachings from the television or other places. Recently one of our companies was blessed, and because of the blessing that we received, Patricia and I prayed and made a vow, a covenant with the Lord to give a portion to Discovering the Jewish Jesus. Not only are we personally Partnering with you, but one of our companies is now a monthly Partner also!” Jim and Patricia, Washington

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Rabbi, thank you for boldly proclaiming truth!
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