“On November 2, 2015 I was channel sur ng and stopped on your show. You were talking about capturing the heart of God. You also spoke about unforgiveness and revenge. I perked up and paid close attention. Rabbi, you looked right into the screen and started speaking about things I had written in my journal just the day before. I was amazed and knew that God heard me and understood my pain, but He was also telling me that I needed to sincerely for- give. at I needed to give up my right to being hurt and o ended. I repented and in tears asked God to deliver me and He did! Now when I think about the person and my esh wants to think evil, I don’t and I know it’s not me because I had tried that before. It is the Spirit of God in me that has given me the grace and power to overcome. ank you Jesus, thank you Rabbi!” Ginger, Facebook