Bonny and Bing, Oklahoma

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“Rabbi’s teachings have ministered to my husband and I so very much, and we have been blessed abundantly through Discovering the Jewish Jesus! God is awakening a love for the Jewish people in us and a desire for them to know Jesus. We sensed the LORD impressing us to contribute to a Messianic Jewish organization and agreed that the Discovering the Jewish Jesus would be good soil in which to sow. Last fall, we were busy with trying to sell our house among many other things. The LORD led us to and a wonderful house in another state, closer to our children. Because of this, we needed to sell our home in Texas as soon as possible. We decided to send a contribution to Discovering the Jewish Jesus, but I got busy and delayed in getting on the computer to send it. I was trying to rest one a ernoon, and I believe the LORD was asking me, “Why haven’t you sent you’re offering yet?” (I suppose the enemy wanted me to delay and maybe not do it.) I decided to stop procrastinating and just get the computer out and send the money online with my credit card. After I processed the contribution, I noticed that your website had a place to submit prayer requests. I sensed that I should ask for prayer regarding the sale of our house and our transition into a different place, church, and a new home. After I typed only a few words of the prayer request, there was a knock on our front door. It was a beautiful couple who wanted to buy our house, and they did! The LORD showed us, in a powerful way, that He answers our prayers and honors obedience to His voice. God is so amazing! Praise His name! He is so faithful!” Bonny and Bing, Oklahoma

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