Beverly. New Jersey

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“For a while now, I’ve been seeking the Lord to ask of Him that I may not be misled by false teaching. Sadly, it is prevalent, in big and small Churches throughout America. Different movements under different names, but all in the same basket of “me theology” So…. I asked God to help me. I asked God, “Who is for real?” How do I know for certain? Is Rabbi’s ministry for me? Do I continue to support this ministry?

Father’s answer was clear: Matthew 7:15-20, how to tell good fruit from bad fruit. Then He led me to Jer. 23, again, good fruit from bad fruit and false teaching. I thought about how I feel when I watch the Rabbi teaching from Scripture. Well, it’s not always a great feeling because I get convicted of sin in such a gentle way, but convicted, nonetheless! Just like Jesus showed Himself in the Bible—loving, kind, but never compromising in His Commission or His Commandments to us. I truly love that about Rabbi. He does not excuse sin in our lives; he does not condemn us; he does not use the Bible to beat donations out of us; he just teaches the Bible and helps us learn if we are willing to open our hearts to the Holy Spirit and be obedient to the Word, walking in the Light, with our Lord and Savior, Jesus.

I am a mature Christian but I’ve learned more from Rabbi in the past year than I have in probably 60 years of going to Church. The Bible has come alive for me! I see the Old and New Testaments in a way I’ve never seen or been taught in the past. So, I pray for Rabbi, for his uplifting unto the Lord, for his continued strength to stand for the Way, the Truth and the Life.

His teaching is 100% true to the Bible, and I’ve learned so much from him. I’ve even begun to recognize some Hebrew words which is so much fun for me! I’ve been a supporter for a while now, and I thank God I can continue to support this ministry. I also love his wife, Cynthia, and have one of her CDs. I love the way they treat each other and I love to hear her pray. I am thankful to God for His Ministry through Rabbi.”

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Rabbi, thank you for boldly proclaiming truth!
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