Divine Satisfaction

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Beloved, if you are bored right now in your Christian walk, if you feel that your relationship with God has become stagnant—I want you to know that you do not have to stay put. If you will trust God and completely surrender yourself unto Him, Father is going to bring you into a new realm of His reality and to a new dimension of experiencing His eternal life. But, you have to let go of where you are at. If you are too concerned about what people think about you that you won’t step out of the crowd to be peculiar, to be different—you are going to stay stuck, stationary, and unsatisfied. However, if you are willing to let go and follow Him, even if it does not make sense at the time, God is going to bring you into something fresh, new, and superior to where you are now!

All of us should be seeking to have an experience like Abraham. Remember, God came to Abraham and said: “Go forth from your country, And from your relatives And from your father’s house, To the land which I will show you (Genesis 12:1).“ Abraham was willing to leave what he was comfortable with, forsake all that made him secure (in the natural), and not consider what others thought—because he trusted God.

To receive something more with God, to obtain the extraordinary, we cannot be concerned with our comforts or being different. If we are too afraid of standing out “in the crowd” or of taking a step of faith like Abraham, God is unable to do something new for us because we are holding on to where we are. If you hold on to where you are, how can you come out of that place into a new thing? You have got to trust HaShem (God), and let go and then follow Him where He leads you. Even though it can be scary, be assured that there is a reward on the other side! This is the pathway beloved, to fully reaching your destiny! This is the way of eternal life. It is an everlasting adventure in God! It is a never-ending journey in the spirit!

Beloved, if you will persist and trust Him wholeheartedly, being convinced that He is with you all the way, knowing He loves you, confident He is leading you and believing He is going to bring you into something good—you will get there! If you will follow Him and let go of some of the things you need to let go of, you are going to enter more and more into His realm of eternal life. God’s Spirit is living, active, and real. Beloved, we can truly only have divine satisfaction in God if we pursue Him with our all!

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