Daddy Is Waiting

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If you do a study of Jesus’ words in the Gospel of John you will find that Jesus refers to God as “Father” over 100 times. And beloved, He encourages us to do the same. at is why Jesus said: “ is, then, is how you should pray: “ ‘Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name’ ” Matthew 6:9. is is how Jesus did it and this is how Jesus taught us to do as well.

During my early development as a Christian, when I prayed to the Lord, I would usually address Him as God. I would begin by saying “God…” I believe many of you, if you would stop and examine your own prayer life, would nd that you are address- ing the Lord as God, but not as Father. Recently, I received one of the most ful lling revelations from the Lord in my entire walk with Him: He wants
to be considered as my Daddy. Now, I most o en begin my prayers addressing God as Father, Abba, or even as Daddy.

“…you have received a spirit of adoption as sons by which we cry out, “Abba! (Daddy!) Father!” Romans 8:15

I do think that there are certain times that we should come to the throne and refer to God as God or as Lord. But beloved, if the vast majority of our prayer life consists of calling upon Him as God or as Lord, rather than as Father, it tells us something about our walk and relationship with Him. rough the blood of Jesus, God has be- come our Father. is is how we should see Him, approach Him, and fellowship with Him. We need to see Him rst and foremost from the position of a son or daughter.

The step to truly adopt this revelation comes from us allowing the light of God to illuminate our heart with the knowledge that He is our Daddy. God wants us to know Him as our Father, to un- derstand that we are His children. His DNA is in us. When we see Him as our Father, we will expe- rience true freedom and unconditional love.

We have to seek Him as Daddy, we have to love Him as Daddy, and honor Him as Daddy to re- ceive the fullness of what He wants to give us.

Think about a little child. ere are so many things they do not know. But, if they believe that their Daddy loves them, are convinced their Daddy is the strongest, and see their Daddy as the best, the child does not need anything more. they are content, they are secure, and they are at rest.

“Unless you are converted and become like chil- dren, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 18:3

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