Covenant Partner Appreciation Month

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We have designated March as a special month to show our deep appreciation to everyone that is standing with us in sharing the hope of Jesus with the world. I especially want to thank all of you that have committed to being monthly Covenant Partners – I could not do what I do without you!

When Cynthia and I hear about what God is doing in the lives of our Covenant Partners – it fills us with joy! In fact, one of our most memorable moments happened while I was ministering during one of our crusades in Africa. As I was telling them: “the gifts of my Covenant Partners made it possible for us to be here” – the crowd immediately responded with a loud and tremendous praise! Beloved, it blessed us so much to see how the support of our Covenant Partners is being used to truly reach those in need.

As we celebrate the faithfulness of our Covenant Partners and all the “fruit” they continue to make possible, I want to encourage those of you that have yet to join me as a monthly Covenant Partner. Cynthia and I have always believed that Father God has chosen certain individuals to financially support His work through Discovering The Jewish Jesus, as monthly Covenant Partners. If you sense that you are one of these persons and God is speaking to you – step out in faith, right now, by completing the form that came with this newsletter.

“‘The bowl of flour shall not be exhausted, nor shall the jar of oil be empty…’” 1 Kings 17:14

The widow of Zarephath experienced the blessing of God that comes to those that trust and obey Him. Through the prophet Elijah, her miracle was released and she and her son were provided for. The widow, in faith, put her time, talents, and treasure in the hand of God. She committed to depending on Him for all her needs, and our Father responded (1 Kings 17: 7-16).

Beloved, I believe this same principal applies to those that step out in faith to help us reach the lost and build His Kingdom here on earth.

That is why Jesus said: “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” Matthew 6:33

Father, I ask that You bless and cause increase for each one that supports this ministry because of their love for You.

Again, thank you so much for helping to make everything we do for Jesus possible.

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